
New 3D model shows what Ancient Egypt's most powerful pharaoh looked like before his death (photo)

Anastasia Kryshchuk

New 3D model shows what Ancient Egypt's most powerful pharaoh looked like before his death (photo)
What Pharaoh Ramses II looked like minutes before his death. Source: wikipedia

Between 1279 and 1213 BC, Pharaoh Ramses II occupied the throne of Ancient Egypt, gaining fame as one of the most prominent rulers in the country's history. His time in power was marked by numerous military successes that significantly expanded the borders of the state. Under Ramses II, Egypt reached its heyday.

With the help of 3D technology, scientists were able to reconstruct the pharaoh's face using a model of his skull to show how he looked before his death at the age of about 90. This is reported by the Daily Mail.

The mummified remains of Ramses II were found in 1881, but their most detailed study was conducted in 1976. During it, scientists found that the pharaoh had a pronounced malocclusion and badly worn teeth. It was also discovered that Ramses II had bone problems, which probably led to severe pain throughout his life.

The mummy of Pharaoh Ramses II was discovered in 1881. Source: Daily Mail
The mummy of Pharaoh Ramses II was discovered in 1881. Source: Daily Mail

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Thanks to this data and skull modeling, scientists were able to recreate the image of an aged man who was approximately 90 years old at the time of his death. The researchers note that some features of Ramses II's face correspond to images on statues that have survived to this day in Egypt.

The face of Ramses II before his death. Source: Daily Mail
The face of Ramses II before his death. Source: Daily Mail

Cícero Moraes, a specialist in reconstructing the appearance of ancient figures, was a member of the team that worked to recreate the deathbed image of Ramses II. He says that to prepare for this task, the researchers worked through an extensive database, including images of the pharaoh on statues.

Moraes notes that although there is a belief among some researchers that Ramses II's appearance exactly matches his portraits on the statues, modern research has shown that this is not entirely true. The reproductions are only partially true to reality.

The face of Ramses II before his death. Source: Daily Mail
The face of Ramses II before his death. Source: Daily Mail

To create the most reliable image of Pharaoh Ramses II before his death, scientists analyzed anthropometric and DNA data from the population of Ancient Egypt, and also collected information from hundreds of modern Egyptians. Based on these data, a detailed analysis of the pharaoh's skull was carried out, which allowed them to create an accurate 3D model, and subsequently the portrait itself.

To reflect the pharaoh's age, researchers had to "age" his face to match the expected image of an elderly ruler. Since the exact color of Ramses II's skin remains unknown, the team chose a color scheme typical of ancient Egyptian art.

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