
Scientists have discovered a unique ability of elephants: they call each other by name

Maria Tsikhotska

Scientists have discovered a unique ability of elephants: they call each other by name
Elephants, known for their deep intelligence and complex social structure, have demonstrated another amazing ability: they call each other by name, just like humans.

Elephants, known for their deep intelligence and complex social structure, have demonstrated another amazing ability: they call each other by name, just like humans.

This striking conclusion was made as a result of a 14-month study conducted by scientists from the University of Colorado in Kenya. Using machine learning technology, the researchers analyzed 470 unique elephant sounds to identify patterns in their communication. This was reported by the Daily Mail.

The study showed that elephants use specific sound signals that serve as their "names". These signals are not a simple imitation of the sounds of other elephants, but have a unique melody, depending on who the elephant is addressing.

To finally confirm their theory, the researchers played the recorded sounds for different elephant herds. The results were striking: the elephant being addressed responded to the sound by emitting a signal or approaching the "speaker."

This ability of elephants to call each other by name makes them unique among the animal kingdom. Dolphins and parrots, for example, also use sound signals to communicate, but their signals are mostly imitations of other species' sounds.

Elephants, on the other hand, like humans, use arbitrary sound cues that are not related to imitation. This discovery adds another item to the list of commonalities between elephants and humans.

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Elephants, like humans, are capable of compassion, grieving, using tools, and raising their young for many years. The study opens new horizons for the study of elephant communication.

Scientists plan to continue the study to find out if elephants use names to refer to other objects they interact with, such as food, water, or places.

This research not only gives us more knowledge about elephants, but also helps us better understand the evolution of language and communication in the animal kingdom.

Earlier, we told you that scientists discovered the creature that sank Columbus' ship.

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