
Taste of the past: researchers recreate the scent of ancient mummies

Anastasia Kryshchuk

Taste of the past: researchers recreate the scent of ancient mummies
Scientists reveal what ancient mummies smell like. Source: PICTURE ALLIANCE/GETTY IMAGES

In the depths of history, among the sands of ancient Egypt, where pharaohs ruled and mummies rested in majestic tombs, another mystery was revealed - their aroma, which had been preserved for thousands of years. Scientists have found that ancient Egyptian mummies have a completely different odor than one would expect.

Instead of the musty aroma of decomposition, they retain pleasant notes of oils and waxes that were used during the mummification process, eurekalert.org reports.

A team of researchers led by ProfessorMatija Strlic conducted a detailed analysis that opened a new perspective on the technique of embalming and preserving bodies in ancient times. Using modern methods, such as electronic nose and gas chromatography, the scientists were able to identify the chemicals that form the unique aroma of mummies. Among them were terpenes such as pinene, limonene, and verbenone, which come from natural resins, oils, and waxes used in the mummification ritual.

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The study showed that the aroma of mummies was much more complex than one might have assumed. It combines woody, spicy, and sweet notes, complemented by light hints of incense. Experts who analyzed the odors noted that most mummies have a pleasant and even hedonically attractive scent.

A scientific article published in, the journal of the American Chemical Society, revealed another interesting detail: mummies displayed in museum windows have a richer and more complex aroma than those stored in closed vaults. This is because volatile organic compounds accumulate in display cases, which affect the intensity of the odor.

The findings are of great importance for the preservation of the world's cultural heritage. Scientists emphasize that the aromas of mummies are an integral part of their historical and archaeological value, so museums should take this aspect into account and develop measures to preserve them.

This study opens a new dimension in the study of ancient Egypt, allowing not only to see the artifacts of the past but also to smell them, which has been preserved for thousands of years.

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