Lord of the oceans: scientists show creature that lays 185,000 eggs at a time

Nowadays, when information is spreading at an incredible speed, carcinization, an evolutionary process that results in various species acquiring a crab-like shape, is attracting more and more attention. This gives rise to discussions: can crabs be considered the pinnacle of evolution?
Given their ability to reproduce rapidly and spread rapidly, especially in the case of the European green crab, they are probably approaching this point. IFLScience writes about this.
The European green crab (Carcinus maenas) is one of the most successful invasive species. Initially, its natural habitat was the Atlantic Ocean and the Baltic Sea, but later it spread rapidly around the world, gaining a reputation as a true "superpredator". Due to its high adaptability, rapid reproduction, and ability to survive in various conditions, this species has become a serious threat to ecosystems. Its omnivorousness, resistance to changes in temperature and salinity, and impressive fertility (up to 185,000 eggs per brood) make it an ideal colonizer of new territories.
However, their main advantage is their extremely mobile larvae. Once they hatch, they can drift in the water for up to two months, which allows them to travel long distances, especially thanks to human activity and shipping. Modern cargo ships unwittingly spread millions of green crab larvae when they collect and discharge ballast water in ports. Thanks to this method of distribution, these crustaceans easily penetrate new ecosystems and quickly adapt to them.
The massive spread of green crabs has serious consequences for ecosystems. They damage aquatic vegetation, accelerate soil erosion, and contribute to climate change by destroying natural habitats. The main natural predators of these crustaceans are otters, but can humans become another effective means of controlling their population?
Biologist Joe Roman proposed the idea of an "invasive diet" as a method of controlling unwanted species. While industrial livestock farming is causing more and more environmental problems, the use of invasive species in the diet can be both an effective and environmentally friendly solution. After all, it is human activity that often contributes to their spread - whether intentionally or accidentally, we transport these creatures over long distances, upsetting the natural balance.
So, if we want to preserve biodiversity, we need to realize our responsibility and actively counteract invasive species. Removing alien animals from environments where they do not belong is one way to fight, but in some cases it can also be an effective solution to meet humanity's food needs.
As noted, the green crab is not the only invasive species that can become part of an "invasive diet." For example, the European plant garlic mustard, which is actively spreading outside its natural range, has already found application in cooking. In addition, chefs are experimenting with dishes made with krill, a predatory fish that has invaded marine ecosystems around the world due to human irresponsibility, including the release of aquarium animals into open waters.
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