Scientists have identified the smartest fish in the world: the answer will amaze you

The manta ray, a member of the cartilaginous fish genus Mobula, has the largest brain of any ocean fish. These giants roam the oceans, covering vast distances in search of plankton.
According to IFLScience, the manta's lifestyle requires well-developed navigational skills and senses, as well as the ability to synchronize their behavior to find food more efficiently.
According to OCEANA, the manta ray brain is not only impressive in size, but also has highly organized areas responsible for communication, problem solving, and learning. This makes them one of the most intelligent fish in the world.
In 2016, scientists conducted a test with a mirror to see if manta rays could recognize themselves in the reflection. The fish did not try to interact with their own reflection, but demonstrated unusual and repetitive movements that could indicate a contingency check. However, an additional tagging test is needed to definitively determine the level of self-awareness of mantas.
Although mantas have the largest brains among fish, this does not necessarily mean a high level of intelligence. Animal behavior expert Alessia Carter from University College London emphasizes that intelligence is a multifaceted concept and difficult to assess objectively. Each species adapts to its environment in its own way, and different forms of mental abilities help animals survive and thrive in nature.
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