
One of the oldest animals on the planet: scientists have discovered a creature in Antarctica that has been hiding there for 15 thousand years (photos, video)

Anastasia Kryshchuk

One of the oldest animals on the planet: scientists have discovered a creature in Antarctica that has been hiding there for 15 thousand years (photos, video)
The oldest creature on Earth. Source: iNaturalist

The Earth was formed more than 4.5 billion years ago and has since become a center of life for many organisms. Some of them have adapted to exist even in the most extreme conditions.

According to IFLScience, during a new study, scientists unexpectedly discovered an organism in McMurdo Bay in Antarctica that they believe may be the oldest creature on the planet. The McMurdo Bay area is home to a species of sponge known as the giant volcanic sponge (Anoxycalyx joubini). It is not easy to determine the age of individual organisms, but the researchers suggest that they have found one of the oldest animals on Earth.

Although sponges are not known for their mobility, they are quite interesting organisms. These immobile invertebrates, like corals, play an important role in the ecosystems where they live, serving as a shelter for smaller creatures. In addition, their endurance far exceeds expectations.

One of the oldest animals on the planet: scientists have discovered a creature in Antarctica that has been hiding there for 15 thousand years (photos, video)
Giant volcanic sponge Anoxycalyx joubini. Source: Paul K. Dayton et al., PLOS ONE, 2013

Experts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) note that the skeletal structure of sponges perfectly adapts to their natural environment. Thanks to this, they can fix themselves on both hard and rocky surfaces and soft sediments such as sand or silt. Studies have also shown that some species are even able to attach themselves to floating debris. However, these creatures are extremely rare in open water.

Water passes through the sponge's porous outer part, allowing it to move, supplying oxygen and nutrients, and helping to remove waste. Scientists have found that tiny hair-like structures known as flagella located inside the sponge create currents that help filter out bacteria and retain food. Thanks to their strong skeleton, sponges are able to withstand the large volumes of water that pass through them every day.

Scientists believe that sponges may be one of the first animals on Earth, and thus the oldest inhabitants of the planet. Giant volcanic sponges can reach 1.5 meters in diameter and grow up to 1.95 meters in height. They usually live at depths of 15 to 144 meters.

In the new study, scientists tried to determine the age of giant volcanic sponges based on their size. For 22 years, they have been observing these organisms and concluded that their growth is extremely slow.

According to the researchers, the largest giant volcanic sponge found in Antarctica was about 2 meters long. However, scientists have never before observed the process of subsidence or growth of these creatures. That is why the team decided to focus on determining their age.

According to the results, one of the sponges was approximately 23,000 years old, and the maximum estimates suggest that giant volcanic sponges can live up to this age. However, further research has shown that such estimates may be somewhat overstated.

In their study, the researchers used growth models that take into account both biological factors and geological events. The co-author of the study, marine biologist and Dr. Susanne Gatti, notes that when analyzing such long periods, it is necessary to take into account not only biological aspects but also geological processes.

In particular, the sea level fluctuations that occurred during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, approximately 18,000-22,000 years ago) could have left the habitat of 2m-S. joubini "open and dry", as during this period the sea level was 105-130 meters lower than now. Based on this, it can be assumed that no marine invertebrate on the Ross Sea shelf can be older than 15,000 years.

Thus, the researchers concluded that giant volcanic sponges are likely to be among the oldest animals on the planet and have been living in Antarctica for at least 15,000 years.

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