
How to make the best tomato fertilizer to increase yields and repel slugs

Ihor Romanko

How to fertilize snails for tomatoes
How to fertilize snails for tomatoes

Tomatoes are not only a tasty vegetable, but also a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. To get a bountiful harvest of juicy and flavorful fruits, it is important not only to take proper care of the plants, but also to provide them with the necessary nutrients.

One of the most affordable and environmentally friendly ways to fertilize tomatoes is to use coffee grounds. This kitchen "waste" is rich in nitrogen, potassium and other nutrients that are necessary for the growth and fruiting of tomatoes, TSN writes.

Read also: Simple fertilization from improvised means for a rich harvest of cucumbers

Why is coffee grounds good for tomatoes?

  • It is rich in nutrients: Coffee grounds contain nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and other trace elements that are essential for the growth and development of tomatoes. Nitrogen contributes to the growth of green mass, potassium improves resistance to diseases and pests, and phosphorus stimulates flowering and fruiting.
  • Improves soil structure: Decaying coffee grounds loosen the soil, making it more airy and permeable to water. This improves plant absorption of nutrients from the soil.
  • Repels pests: Slugs, snails, and some other pests don't like the smell of coffee, so using it can help protect your tomatoes from these unwelcome guests.

How to make a fertilizer from coffee grounds?

  • Collecting coffee grounds: Collect used coffee grounds after you have brewed yourself a cup of coffee. It can be dried in the open air or stored in the refrigerator.
  • Making a liquid fertilizer: Pour boiling water over the coffee grounds and let it steep for a few hours. Then strain the infusion and dilute it with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  • Preparation of dry fertilizer: Mix dry coffee grounds with compost or shredded leaves in a 1:2 ratio. This mixture can be used as a mulch around tomatoes.

How do I use coffee grounds fertilizer?

  • Liquid fertilizer: Water tomatoes with liquid coffee grounds fertilizer 1-2 times a month.
  • Dry fertilizer: Sprinkle the dry coffee grounds fertilizer around the tomatoes and lightly work it into the soil.
  • Use as a mulch: Spread a 2-3 cm layer of coffee grounds around the tomatoes. This will help retain moisture in the soil, prevent weed growth and repel pests.


  • Do not use fresh coffee grounds to fertilize tomatoes, as they can acidify the soil.
  • Make sure the soil is moist before using coffee grounds fertilizer.
  • Do not over-fertilize tomatoes with coffee grounds, as this can lead to an excess of nitrogen, which will negatively affect growth and fruiting.

Fertilizing tomatoes with coffee grounds is a simple, environmentally friendly and affordable way to get a plentiful harvest of juicy and tasty fruits.

Remember: taking care of your tomatoes is the key to their health and a bountiful harvest!

Find out which animals are the main enemies of slugs.

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