
How to use air conditioning to save your car and your health

Алексей МочановАлексей Мочанов

How to use air conditioning to save your car and your health
How to use air conditioning to save your car and your health

About the important things in this heat.

About using a car air conditioner.

Please read carefully!

And try to do it right.

I was taught this back in the 90s at several factories and automotive companies. The experts.

That's why I'm not opening a smoking room for the advice of the "experienced".

I'm just telling you how to treat it, what to do and how to do it.


Maybe some of you have ever flown to Dubai in the summer? No?

Have you seen how the fools are dressed?

In shorts and T-shirts with flip flops.

And how do those who are experienced dress?

That's right. In warm clothes. Suits, jeans, shirts with sleeves.

Not T-shirts.


In June, it can be +50 during the day.

It's always +35+40 everywhere.

All air conditioners are set to +18.

The difference between the street and where a person lives is from 32 to 17 degrees Celsius.

It's like going outside barefoot and wearing shorts when it's -10-12 in the room. Can you imagine?

So in Dubai, people usually walk around knowing that it will be +18+20 in the hotel lobby, room, office, restaurant, elevator, taxi, shuttle bus, gym, meeting room, police station.

Not the heat like on the beach, where half an hour and you're a grilled chicken.

It's already burnt!

It's always the same in our cars.

Yesterday and today it was hot.

Please remember that our bodies don't like it if the difference between the street and the car is more than 12 degrees at once. The maximum is 13!!!

So if it's +35 in the "conscious" air, it should be 35-12=23 in the car.

After you have driven for a while, you can go down to 22 or even 21, but 22 celsius and 72 fahrenheit (if you have a car from the United States) is the most comfortable standard temperature, so as a rule, on the dashboard knobs and climate control, these are the upper vertical values.

It doesn't do 19, 18. Not even 20!

Because it's really cold and can help when you're already falling asleep a little, but for some reason you can't slow down and sleep for half an hour. No more than that. It's a lifesaver!

The deflectors (the holes-strips from which air comes and blows into the cabin) should be turned away from you and directed UP.

No "on the glass and legs", because the air conditioner must cool the warm air in the cabin.

And even for those who smoked a primer and a physics textbook at school over a pipe, warm air rises up, and it must be cooled there so that warm air from the floor rises in its place and cools again.

This is the only way. The air circulation in the cabin and the vehicle is unbelievable.

By the way, in winter, to heat the cabin, the "glass and legs" scheme works just fine. You need to heat the air just like that. And with the air conditioning on. Advice.

You don't need to listen to idiots who recommend starting the car in the heat and setting the temperature to 18 degrees and waiting 15-20 minutes.

Don't be a yellow-bellied idiot like them.

Buy an internal key fob to close the windshield when the car is parked and waiting for you.

It is convenient.

Get in the car and open the windows, drive slowly and ventilate the interior a little, but don't blow or tangle your hair (who still has it!).

If you are alone, open the two right windows and your driver's window a little bit so that it doesn't blow in,

and blow the heat out of the cabin.

And not hot from the street into the cabin.

Dress comfortably.

Take care of your feet.

Have socks in the car, because when you go on a long trip at +21+22, your feet may get cold.

The floor may be cold)))

Do not neglect blood thinners.

Maybe some aspirin, or it's in the cadio version.

Drink water. But not cold!!!

Room temperature. Or lukewarm.

Have lightweight sunglasses in the car, not fashionable, but lightweight and not pressing on the nose and ears with the top of the head.

If it's really hot, go to a gas station, wet a handkerchief, wipe your forehead, and then put it on the back of your head and neck.

Do this in the bathhouse as well, it's a great way to relieve overheating from the whole body!

Keep panthenol in your car.

Sometimes the sun gets so hot on the side of your head and cheek, and your hands through the windshield, that you need to lubricate them to avoid burning.

She learns to use sun visors, which can (and should!) be turned to the side. Sometimes, when she is sweating, you turn the visor more and more often than the steering wheel and wheels.

At least not less

Control the pressure in the tires.

Because the temperature rises in the heat.

And so does the pressure. Sometimes you need to lower it by a couple of dozen.

Then in the morning you'll pump it up when it's cold. It's just the way it is.

Have a higher viscosity oil for the summer.

Let them advise you on your hundred.

If you don't remember when you changed the coolant, change it now. This will help save your engine and money.

To be continued.

Drive responsibly.

And don't listen to experienced assholes.